
My name is Márk Király. Currently, I am only a student. My areas of interest include software development, Linux systems, deep neural networks, and their mathematical foundations.



Márk Király


My GitHub profile's statistics:


Notes and documents (not finished)
Notes and documents (finished)

Tech stack

My general tech stack:

c cplusplus qt vue.js react JS bash linux gcp android

My tech stack at work:

java spring postgresql java jquery postman git" python bootstrap html5 css3 python-numpy python-tensorflow

My toys:

nasm-assembly swi-prolog haskell yesod-web-framework-for-haskell python-django coq-proof-assistant

Main pet-projects:

During my pet-projects, I try to find solutions to real-life tasks.

This mini project is still in a non-finished state: it is based on the topics of FSMs (Finite State Machines) and regular expressions. The user can graphically edit an FSM for a given regex pattern, and then verify its correctness.

Status: The program is not ready for use yet!
GitHub link: https://github.com/ProgrammerGnome/ATgame_fx

This software has a browser interface that, when filled out, saves the provided data to a Postgres or H2DB database (configurable in application.properties), performs syntactic and formatting operations on it, and then generates a printable form that the user can download in their browser.

Status: finished
GitHub link: https://github.com/ProgrammerGnome/UtikoltsegSoftwareHU

The software below is a simple text editor in C++, with methods that count the current 5 most frequent words in the text. The graphic interface is created using the Qt framework.

Status: completed, but there is still room for improvement
GitHub link: https://github.com/ProgrammerGnome/PEditor

By creating a straightforward mathematical model from the problem, we attempt to parallelize it. It is essential to emphasize that our goal is not merely calculation but rather the rapid computation, especially for large numbers.

Status: solved
GitHub link: https://github.com/ProgrammerGnome/Problem-S.141

This application stores the specified expenses and income in an XML file or, in the case of an internet connection, on Google Drive. In its absence, it stores the data on the computer. It generates statistics from these data, which can be converted to an Excel table in .xlsx format, allowing the user to export it.

Status: completed, not under development
GitHub link: https://github.com/ProgrammerGnome/Economical-desktop-app-with-GoogleDriveAPI

This was my very first meaningful GitHub project. The task was to find the smallest possible circle covering n given points in the plane. The tools for solving the problem are primitive, but precisely because of that, the approach is complex.

Status: solved
GitHub link: https://github.com/ProgrammerGnome/Problem-S.20

Work experience

  • suIT SOLUTIONS Ltd. - software development

    2024.july.01. - present, contract

    Application development, code documentation, creating pilots, product development, research, supporting testing and maintenance.
    Participation in augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and mobile application development.

  • InnoTeq Ltd. - software development

    2023.september - 2024.june

    Participation in backend tasks in the development of software required for a forestry research project. [Tech: Java, Spring, Postgres, Hibernate]

  • Rail Navigator Ltd. - software development, software testing

    2023.jun - present

    I participate in backend tasks during the development of highly complex software related to railway freight transport, including the design and implementation of unit tests. [Tech: Java, Spring, Postgres, JUnit, Mockito]

  • Rail Navigator Ltd.

    INTERNSHIP (2023 april - maj)
    [Tech: Java, Spring, Postgres, JUnit, Mockito, Vue.js, Backbone.js, JQuery]


Computer Science B.Sc.
(2021.september - present)
University of Pécs Faculty of Sciences

The website of University

Other usable content:

The following educational video series, created by me (only in hungarian languages), are available on YouTube:

  • KöMaL and high school math: 5 videos
  • Analysis I.: 1 videos
  • Analysis II.: 7 videos
It is important to note that the videos were created some time ago, and due to the limitations in available technical conditions, their audio quality is rather poor.

Free time

Below, I incidentally present a few things that may be interesting for many. I would like to express my gratitude, mainly through my nature photographs, for visiting my website.

To close the images, just click on the part above the opened image.

Nature photos

Another "creative" things

Video games
Video game content
Minecraft maps:

These are maps built in creative mode, designed for survival gameplay, and can be customized as desired:

JungelDorf (1.16.1)
KohlStadt (1.12.2)
LopoPolis (1.14.2)
Frei&Turm (1.19)